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The Darkest Hour

This EP is a milestone to mark Fatum Aeternum’s persuasion of the doom and gothic path, reflected in both music and lyrics.

This release consists of some old songs that never got to be recorded (although they’re known among the band’s public in Israel) and new versions of songs that previous recordings didn’t do them justice. The themes of the songs are both personal and social – shading light on the troubled existence of the individual in our modern world and its expansion to the whole society.

Released November 17, 2015 

Steve Gershin - Drums/Bass/Vocals/Keyboards 
George Falk - Guitars 
Evelyn Shor Gershin - Vocals/Violin 

Produced by Steve Gershin

Recorded, mixed and mastered by George Falk

You can buy a digital version of the album via Bandcamp, or order a physical CD by clicking below:

The Sermon
One Bastard
The Darkest Hour
Mass Suicide of Human Race
Simple Pop Song
Singing Songs of Desperation